

博士,副主任医师,硕士生导师,二级心理咨询师。大连医科大学英才工程人选。任中华医学会神经心理与行为神经病学学组委员;中国研究型医院学会神经科学专业委员会委员。曾于澳大利亚墨尔本大学皇家医学院及德国亚琛工大医学院研修。主持国家自然科学基金1项,参与3项,获辽宁省科技进步3等奖。在包括Biological psychiatry, PLOS ONE, Neuroreport, Biological psychology 等国际知名学术期刊发表SCI论文10余篇,其中最高单篇影响因子8.3分。 研究方向 睡眠障碍及抑郁焦虑症状的脑功能及神经生理机制研究; 帕金森病的神经心理及行为学研究; 神经生物信号(定量脑电、事件相关电位技术、功能磁共振)的临床应用研究; 非药物治疗(心理治疗、音乐治疗、重复经颅磁刺激rTMS)的神经生理机制研究。 代表文章(* 通讯作者) [1]Mu, Z., Chang, Y. *(常翼*), Xu, J. *,Pang, X., Zhang, H., Liu, X., Zheng, Y., Liu, X., Liu, X., & Wan, Y.(2016). Pre-attentive dysfunction of musical processing in major depressivedisorder: A mismatch negativity study. J Affect Disord, 194, 50-56. (通讯作者,IF=3.383) [2]Pang,X., Xu, J. *, Chang, Y. *(常翼*), Tang, D., Zheng, Y., Liu, Y., & Sun, Y. (2014). Mismatchnegativity of sad syllables is absent in patients with major depressivedisorder. PLoS One, 9(3), e91995. (共同通讯作者,IF= 3.234) [3]Chang,Y.(常翼), Xu, J. *, Shi, N., Pang, X., Zhang, B., & Cai, Z. (2011).Dysfunction of preattentive visual information processing among patients withmajor depressive disorder. Biol Psychiatry, 69(8), 742-747. (第一作者,IF=8.283) [4]Chang,Y.(常翼), Xu, J. *, Shi, N., Zhang, B., & Zhao, L. (2010). Dysfunctionof processing task-irrelevant emotional faces in major depressive disorderpatients revealed by expression-related visual MMN. Neurosci Lett, 472(1),33-37. (第一作者,IF=2.055) [5]Chang,Y.(常翼), Xu, J*, Pang, X., Sun, Y., Zheng, Y., & Liu, Y. (2015).Mismatch negativity indices of enhanced preattentive automatic processing inpanic disorder as measured by a multi-feature paradigm. Biol Psychol, 105,77-82. (第一作者,IF=3.403) [6]Zhang,B. W., Xu, J.*, Chang, Y.(常翼), Wang, H., Yao, H., & Tang, D. (2016). Impaired cognitivereappraisal in panic disorder revealed by the late positive potential.Neuroreport, 27(2), 99-103. (IF=1.343) [8]Tang,D., Xu, J.*, Chang, Y.(常翼), Zheng, Y., Shi, N., Pang, X., & Zhang, B. (2013). Visualmismatch negativity in the detection of facial emotions in patients with panicdisorder. Neuroreport, 24(5), 207-211. (IF=1.644) [9]Zheng,Y., Tan, F., Xu, J.*, Chang, Y.(常翼), Zhang, Y., Shen, H. (2015). Diminished P300 to physical risk insensation seeking. Biological Psychology, 107, 44-51.. (IF=3.403) [10]Zheng,Y., Xu, J.*, Jia, H., Tan, F., Chang, Y.(常翼), Zhou, L., Qu,B. (2011). Electrophysiological correlates of emotional processing in sensationseeking. Biol Psychol, 88(1), 41-50. (IF=3.225) 招生专业 神经病学